Join me on Facebook for my 100 tips in 100 days!

Hi, I am Sabine, I help professional women create an authentic online business that follows them and allows them to live and work anywhere.
And, this is the first Facebook Live of my 100 tips in 100 days!
This video series will cover many aspects of running an online business, living abroad, learning a foreign language, living away from your family and at the same time being connected to millions of people around the globe.
Check out my daily facebook lives on my personal facebook account –
Why 100 Facebook lives in 100 days?
I love challenges (who doesn’t?!?)
Actually, this is part of a great challenge created by my coach Natasha. This 21-day challenge has been a real eye-opener for me and it has convinced me to step outside of my comfort zone.
Digital Marketing and communication are my bread-and-butter but as I worked with many corporate clients in the past few years, I have hidden behind those brands instead of putting myself out there.
As I want to create a bigger impact on people’s lives, I know I need to share my message with more people. Doing videos are now a necessary tool for any business owner and I need to master it to be able to coach my clients as well. Back in 2011 and 2012, I did a few videos for my website but at the time, YouTube was the online option. Nowadays you can go live on Facebook, on Instagram, on Spnapchat and in so many other ways and it so much easier. I use to spend at least 2 days on each one of my 20 minutes videos. One day preparing the video shoot and at least a day editing the video. With Live videos, you only have to press “Go Live” and that’s it.
Live videos are the best way to show your authenticity and convey your messages. Are you ready for your first live video?
Have you done any videos yet? If you feel that you should give it a try, get in touch and I will help you get started with a handful of tips that I learned from my coach and experience doing them.
Building an online business is hard.

Overwhelmed by the number of tools available?
Do you wish there could be a shortcut to find out which one you REALLY need?
That’s why I listed the 30+ Tools that I use daily to run my online business anywhere in the world.