Meet Sonia, An Online Psychologist Travelling The World

Hi Sonia, Please tell us a bit more about you and your journey as online Psychologist.

Where are you from? or where did you grow up?
German + French nationality, grew up in Germany


global entrepreneur expat story Sonia Jaeger PhotoWhere are you currently located?
France for the next few months, then probably South East Asia and Australia.


Tell us a little bit about you and what made you start travelling in the first place?
I went on a sabbatical because I really needed and wanted a break after finishing my PhD in psychology. I fell in love with the nomad lifestyle and recently celebrated my 3 year nomad anniversary.


Tell us 3 things you love about your new lifestyle and what do you miss from your home country or your last destination.
I love the flexibility, freedom, meeting new people and cultures.
Right now I miss the great Vietnamese food I had while staying in Vietnam earlier this year.


global entrepreneur expat story soniaTell us about your current business/project – how did that come about?
I provide online counselling as a psychologist and psychotherapist.
Basically, I took my offline career online and mostly work with expats and people who for one reason or another can not go see a therapist face-to-face. I work with clients who suffer from a wide range of mental health issues, depression, anxieties and relationship issues.
Most of my clients are German-speaking, but I also work in French and English.
You can find out more about my counselling at (the English version is a bit limited at the moment, if you speak German, switch language!). Of course, I am also on Facebook at and on Instagram at


As a foreigner, was it easy to settle down in your current location and start your own business / or work remotely?
Actually yes. I haven’t really settled, as I move every few months. Starting an online business is always a challenge, but mine went very well and I really love it.


global entrepreneur expat story sonia in VietnamWhat advice would you give to anyone willing to become a digital nomad or set up his or her own business overseas?
I would recommend to try it and check in with yourself after a few months or a year to make sure that this is really what you want.
Have realistic expectations, starting a business is a lot of work, even if you live in paradise.
Also, from my own work with expats and digital nomads: do not do this to run away from your problems, they will follow you no matter where you go. And yes, you can be depressed in paradise.
Finally, connect with like-minded people and reach out and get help if you need it!


Thank you very much, Sonia for sharing your story with us and I invite my readers to get in touch with you if they ever feel the need to consult with a therapist while living abroad.

Want to read more Expat Entrepreneur Stories? Make sure to check out my other Interviews here.

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