Uxbound Marketing Lab

Website Strategy
While working for Ocean Translations, I was asked to instigate the creation of a brand new business unit. With my experience in marketing and love for all things related to digital marketing, we launched Uxbound Marketing Lab, a content marketing provider early 2016. I was involved in all of the aspects of the creation of this new unit, from the selection of the in-house staff to the selection of the graphic/web designers and other freelancers.
I was responsible for the overall marketing and sales strategies of the unit:
– Market research
– SWOT analysis
– Establish prices strategy
– Identify and create the buyer personas (Ideal clients profiles)
– Content mapping
– Establish quarterly content calendar
– Create ebooks and content alongside the copywriter and content expert
– Prepare sales meetings and clients proposals
– Train staff on inbound marketing / SEO / content marketing/email marketing
Social Media Management
I created various social media accounts for Uxbound Marketing Lab and managed them until August 2017.
Marketing Funnel
The marketing funnel is the set of steps visitors on any site need to go through to convert your readers into potential clients. Concretely, these are represented by the following elements: subscribers’ sign-up box, a free ebook or guide to download, relevant content published in the blog section, diffusion on social media and set up of an email list and sending of an email sequence.
Let’s get you unstuck!
Marketing shouldn’t take you away from the main purpose of your business.
Let’s turn your visitors into clients (so that you concentrate on your business instead of trying to learn how to do online marketing).
Increasing your traffic and attracting your ideal clients isn’t difficult. I promise!

“You can build a successful career, regardless of your field of endeavor, by the dozens of little things you do on and off the job.” – Zig Ziglar